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Omicron Alpha History

It was the early summer of 1936 when Brother W.J. Wheeler, a member of the graduating class of Shaw University, returned home to seek a teaching position.  Brother Wheeler went to the office of Brother S.R. Rosemond and consulted with him concerning having some dental work done.  During the visits, the two Omega men talked about the possibility of organizing a graduate chapter of the fraternity here. The two Omega Brothers were able to interest two other Omega brothers, James C. Cooper (a retired business) and Johnson Alexander Hooper, a 1936 graduate of North Carolina College (now North Carolina Central University). To get this project under way, the four met regularly between the offices of Brother Dr. Rosemond and Brother Cooper.  The main goal was to formulate plans for securing more brothers. The proposed idea of a graduate chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. accelerated when the school year 1936-1937 started and many omega men returned to their respective jobs.  It was during this school year the 12 Omega Brothers joined together and sent brother Robert D. Tynes, the principal of Bladen County Training School (Elizabethtown, NC) to the Omega Conclave in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to be set up in Wilmington, NC.  It was the first chapter to be granted by the Grand Conclave Omicron Alpha Chapter was chartered on December 1, 1936.

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